It’s often easy to forget when you’ve been keeping jumping spiders for a while that some of the very basic and what a seasoned keeper would think of as obvious facts and information about them aren’t always so obvious to brand new keepers.
I’ve compiled some of the most frequently asked questions, topics, facts, and funky quirks about jumping spiders that you may or may not already know.
I plan to go into more detail for most of these topics eventually and dedicate a whole write-up to each one, but for now, these are just quick and basic answers to get them out there and make you aware of them if you are totally new to the wonderful world of jumping spiders.
If you have a question, want to know more about a certain topic, or if you’ve currently got jumping spiders and remember a vital piece of information from when you were first starting out and wish someone had explained in more detail, then please get in touch as I’d love to add it to this article for others to read and learn from, and remember no question, topic or assumption is too silly! We were all new to jumping spiders or a pet at one point in our lives and our care of animals only gets better with knowledge, asking questions, and of course, the process of actually owning one, so never stop asking questions even if they’re just to yourself.
Jumping spiders come in a vast range of sizes depending on things like species, diet, genetics, and of course their age. There can also be some confusion depending on whether the size measured is just the body, or includes their leg span as well, and you’ll find different countries and different breeders use different methods. For the sake of this article, I’ll use the measurement which includes their leg span.
The largest of the jumping spiders comes from the Hyllus genus and can reach up to 4cm in some cases, with the smallest species of jumping spider being as tiny as just a millimeter.
The most commonly bred jumping spider here in the UK is the Phidippus Regius, and its average size is around 15mm depending on which locale it is.
Females are usually slightly larger than their male counterparts as they’re a little chunkier in the butt, with the males being more athletically built and having slightly longer legs at the front.
The lifespan of jumping spiders is something that sadly will never be long enough for their owners, and some people are even put off by the fact they won’t get to spend a long time with their spider friend like they would a dog or cat.
Males tend to mature faster than females with a typical lifespan documented to be between 18 months to 2 years, but we are actually starting to see more and more spiders living past that average as our knowledge and care of them get better in captivity and we’re are able to extend their lives a little.
I currently have males and females that are over 2 years old, and although they’re classed as very elderly they’re still active and eating well with no signs of them struggling or having a poor quality of life.
The key is to not overfeed them as this speeds up their growth and shortens the time between moults, which in turn makes them mature faster.
Overfeeding them is often done with no ill intent of their owner, they just assume their spider is hungry every couple of days when in reality these spiders can go weeks without food.
Jumping spiders are arboreal, meaning they prefer life off the ground and up in higher places like trees and buildings. Living up high gives them a great vantage point for hunting their food and launching a sneak attack and it means they’re out of reach from many ground-level predators that would happily snack on a jumping spider. Living higher up allows them to spot those predators that are able to reach them long before they get too close for comfort.
Like us, jumping spiders are diurnal which means they’re awake during daylight hours and they sleep at night. This is why we advise using a bright LED lamp over their enclosure for 12 hours a day to mimic the natural light they would get from living out in the wild in their country of origin. Much like us, they require daylight to see, to help stimulate their bodies and minds to get out of bed in the morning, hunt for food, and just go about their daily spider duties.
Sexually dimorphic
Jumping spiders are mostly sexually dimorphic, meaning that once mature, males look different from females in colour, often in size, as well as some differences in their body shape and parts.
Some species can be sexed as early as L5 if you know what to look for, but there are also some spiders that love to keep us guessing right until the very end, and even then, some at first glance can appear as the opposite sex.
Male vs Female, what are their care differences?
There aren’t any really unless you’re wanting to breed them. The only difference is more to do with their behaviour and if your female is laying an egg-sac(fertile or not), but ultimately as just companion pets, their care parameters are the same.
I will do an article on their behavioural differences soon as it can be an interesting topic with lengthy answers when digging super deep into it.
Just how jumpy are they?
Despite them being able to jump around 50 times the distance relative to their size, when inside their captive habitats they actually don’t “jump” around it all that much and instead choose to scuttle around the walls of their enclosure. They will pounce on their prey though if need be at feeding time, and given enough room outside their enclosure they will try to jump from one thing to another if it looks within their reach.
I often allow the spiders that I handle to jump from one hand to another, or I put them on one of my big monstera plants which they seem to enjoy using as a jungle gym of sorts and hop about from leaf to leaf, abseil by their butts to leaves lower down before jumping their way up to the top again, and even sometimes launch onto me just to give me some added heart palpitations and see how fast my “catch me” reflexes are.
Females lay eggs – even if they haven’t had a boyfriend!
Female spiders once sexually mature may lay eggs even if they’ve never had a special man in their life 😉 This is actually something I didn’t know myself until after getting into keeping jumpers as it wasn’t something that was mentioned in the Google care research I found, and my first spiders were a male, and a female who never actually laid any eggs at all.
If you have a female spider and you know for sure that she’s never been paired with a male then don’t panic as the eggs will be infertile. She will either eat or abandon them within a couple of weeks of laying them and go back to being her usual self.
Some other cool facts about this topic include that females are able to store sperm for up to one year after mating, and also that just one pairing with a male can result in up to 10 fertile egg-sacs!😅
Jumping spiders are incredible hunters and they actually have a completely different method of catching their food from other true spiders and tarantulas.
The usual method for other true spiders is to build a web out in the open, then sit and wait until something comes along and either gets stuck in that web as it’s flying past, or they touch the web as they crawl past it causing vibrations, and alerting the spider to the presence of a potential meal.
Tarantulas also use a similar approach as they also tend to lay in wait for the prey to come to them before grabbing it and dragging it back to its burrow, but they web the floor surface around their burrow as they aren’t able to climb using just one strand of their silk as true spiders do.
This type of catching their food requires a lot of patience on the spider’s part meaning they will go weeks without food while waiting for something to come their way, and it’s not very common for them to leave their burrow to go out to look for food purposely.
Jumping spiders on the other hand do the opposite. They don’t use an intricate web to catch whatever may happen to be passing by, they leave their nest and actively go out to hunt down their food.
Their incredible eyesight and strength mean they can spot a potential meal from a distance, stalk it, and then take down prey far larger than themselves. In the wild, they’ve been photographed having caught lizards and frogs over 4 times their size. Check out this article to see pics of them in action.
It’s because of their amazing hunting abilities that I recommend not tweezer feeding a healthy jumping spider while they’re sat in their nest as it denies them the enrichment and exercise they get from seeking out the food themselves and tackling it. For creatures as intelligent as jumping spiders, there’s nothing worse than boredom and lack of enrichment for them.
Jumping spiders have amazing eyesight for a creature that small. In fact, their eyesight is only 5-10 times less than a human’s eyesight. How crazy is that!
They also have 8 eyes and each pair of eyes does a different job including giving the spider nearly a 360 view, meaning even if they aren’t facing you they are still watching you!
The front two pairs of eyes that are also the reason these spiders look so darn cute in comparison to other spiders, give them a narrow but clear image in HD colour. The two side pair of eyes give the spider a black and white blurry image of things around and behind them. If these side pairs of eyes detect shadows and movement the spider will turn to face it and get a better look with its front pairs.
Their eyesight plays a huge role in why these tiny bit mighty spiders are able to spot, stalk and hunt down their prey. This article does a far better job of explaining it than I can if you fancy delving deeper into this topic.
Solitary & Cannibalistic
Jumping spiders are solitary creatures and must be kept in an enclosure on their own. Putting two of them together would result in a fight to the death and one of them being eaten by the other and the possibly the death of both of them if they manage to bite each others. Unfortunately, there have been some Tiktoks and other social media posts where the spider’s owners have shown multiple spiders being allowed outside of their enclosures to “mingle & play” together. Please don’t ever try this yourself as 9 times out of 10 it won’t end well.
Even when mating a male and a female, it does sometimes result in the female having a munch on her man before, during, and even after he’s performed his duties. 😬
I’ve personally witnessed a spider as young as L3 eat 2 of his siblings at the same time which came as a shock because they don’t usually start to cannibalise until L4 when you need to separate them from each other and keep them in individual pots.
Can they be handled?
The answer to this isn’t so black and white as it actually depends on the spider believe it or not. What I will start by saying is that they don’t “like” being handled, they merely tolerate it and will become accustomed to it over time.
Spider’s paws (yes their feet are actually called paws, how cute!) are incredibly sensitive and just like human hands, their paws can feel things like temperature, airflow, direction, movement, and vibrations, and if some scientists are correct, they can even feel the blood pumping through our veins as well as our bioelectrical current. Basically, it’s a super weird sensation when they touch our skin! Imagine you’re standing on a train platform and one comes belting past without stopping at the station. All that noise and vibration, the heat of the train engines, the warm air as its disturbed, and the wind it all creates, that’s the comparison I use for how it must feel to a jumping spider when being handled by us. Similar to how we get used to being in train stations, your jumping spider may also get used to being handled by you.
I also want to mention that some spiders won’t ever get used to it and won’t tolerate being handled at all. I have a couple of such spiders which are “look but don’t touch” and others that I can and do handle, but that’s absolutely their choice.
One of many cool things about jumpers is that they don’t NEED to be handled or have physical interactions with us to live happy healthy lives. They’re quite content in their little habitats providing all their basic care requirements are met, and they’re just as fascinating to own when only admiring them through the walls of their enclosure.
Do they bite?
As with all spiders, yes they can bite, but it’s pretty rare they do. It’s usually either due to a mistake and them thinking you’re food, or when they feel threatened, which they will actually give you plenty of warning about before they do feel a bite is their last resort of self-defense.
They do have venom although it’s not medically significant to us, and nobody has ever died from a jumping spider bite (as far as we know. The chances of anyone having died are closer to zero, but for legal reasons, I have to say “as far as we know”).
I have actually been bitten 4 times in total, 3 of which were dry bites (no venom injected) and I don’t actually class them as bites at all because of the circumstances surrounding them. In this particular incident, I was actually bitten by 3 of my spiders within minutes of each other which was the first sign that there was perhaps something else going on other than them biting me for the sake of it.
I had washed my hands as I always do before handling my spiders so I’d like to think there wasn’t anything on my hands that could have caused their reaction.
All 3 spiders interacted with me first and chose to come onto my hand as I was only in their enclosure doing some tank maintenance with no plans or attempts to handle them, so I know it wasn’t caused by me forcing them to be handled.
All the spiders very very slowly and gently just applied the lightest pressure with their chelicerae (fangs) and it felt like a tiny pair of tweezers on my hand. Once they felt the resistance of my skin they immediately stopped and went back to their own enclosure as if they were just testing my hand out and seeing if I was edible or something. There were no threat poses from them, no fast movements like they were startled or feeling they needed to defend themselves, it was all just very strange more than anything as all 3 did the same thing minutes apart.
I came to the conclusion that there must have been something on my hands that either interested them or made them feel they needed to check it out further. They never broke the skin or left any marks, and they never did it again.
The 4th time I was bitten was actually by accident and as I went to pop a fly into her enclosure she went to jump earlier than expected and just as I let go of the fly and it moved, she made contact and grabbed my finger where she dangled for 5 full minutes before realising I wasn’t food and let me go.
Now unfortunately this wasn’t a dry bite meaning she gave me a good dose of her venom given how long she dangled there by her fangs, and I can’t lie and tell you it was completely painless when it wasn’t.
I do have a pretty high pain threshold and would describe the pain as a little less than a bee sting, but I have heard other people that have been bitten compare it to a full-on bee sting sort of pain, so obviously it depends on your personal pain threshold. It did also break the skin and bleed a little, and continued to sting for around 30 minutes afterward, although I’m sure some antihistamine cream would have reduced that if I had any available at the time.
All in all, it hasn’t put me off jumping spiders or made me scared of them or never want to handle one again, but it’s something that made me change the way I feed my spiders going forward and realise my reactions aren’t as fast as theirs are, and to keep my chubby little mitts away from spiders when feeding them.
So there you have some little facts and observations to help with your decision making of if a jumping spider is the right pet for you. Don’t forget to check out the rest of our blog articles for more jumper topics as well as the care sheet below for how to look after them.
Hello, I have 2 Rose Hair Tarantulas ages 12 and 8 yes old. Watching you with these little jumpers are so cute.
My daughter some yrs back found a jumping spider at work where she interacted with it every day. She kept a look out for it each day. With this said she has moved and would like one.
Where can a little jumping spider be purchased. Do you have them for sale?
It is a great article, but it doesn’t make my arachnophobia any less profound.
I will still watch though, as it may help one day.
Very cool and helpful! We’ve just acquired a young jumping spider and have been feeding him fruit flies. How many per week is a suitable amount without being “too much” for him?